Thursday, October 15, 2009

DAVE the journey of achieve his goal and dreams......

there is a guy wishing his dream come true..since secondary sch he has been involve in the create lyrics and song. He is DAVE CHAI. He has a clear direction of what he want for his futher. He decide and do his best effort in achieve his goal dreams. Im proud of him. Now his journey near to his dream is nearer and nearer...n now, he has come out his own first own album & get award & get support from our malaysia local famous

he oso being invited to be involve in the charity concert with popular artists....

he oso being invited as the guest in radio program...

wish he achieve his goal wishes 4 him and all the best.....


“別人形容我是唱作亞洲歌王,但我覺得自己無風格、無界限,因為若限制了自己的歌路,又怎會是 現在的曹格?”本身是大馬歌手的曹格,卻在台灣走紅,去年更獲得台灣金曲獎《最佳國語男歌手獎》。接著一年之間,他結婚生子兼成功舉行個人演唱會,卻沒太 多人知道他成名之前如何潦倒。
曹格曾被批評‘歌不好,人又醜,不如滾回大馬’,這些說話刺痛了他的自尊心,結果整整年多過著 酗酒歲月,每晚都靠酒精入睡,根本不想清醒,因為一清醒就會記得別人的批評,於是他一直逃避,一年來沒照鏡,愈照鏡愈覺得自己醜,無形中患上憂鬱症,他更 試過自殺獲救。最糟的時候,曹格沒錢交租,要在朋友家寄居。曹格慶幸沿路有朋友扶持,朋友的不離不棄終讓他清醒,令他知道自己活著不是廢物,更要努力做個 有用的人。
偶然間都會聽到關於曹格醉酒鬧事的消息,他現在還會醉酒嗎?他說:“坦白說,我不能完全不喝 酒,但做了父親之後已檢點了很多,經常提醒自己別過火,現在只是朋友生日或高興聚會才多喝一點。不過我很倒楣,每次都生意外。”他所指的是最近與朋友高興 地碰杯,竟把杯碰爛割傷手入院,被誤會在夜店醉酒起爭執被打傷。
曹格對失意的人感同身受,所以他在新歌《掌紋》MV中親身上陣飾演乞丐,希望喚起大家給社會上 被遺棄的一群新生機會。曹格說:“如果當時不是有朋友幫我,不是有唱片公司冒險為我推出唱片,或者今日我都是睡在街上的其中一個。”他更把歌曲《寶貝》的 版稅及酬勞捐給慈善機構,幫助因為父母經濟出現問題,而未能付上學飯盒費的小童,好讓小孩子可以無憂上學。曹格說:“我的幸福,是大家給我的,所以我都要 去幫助其他人,讓我的小孩將來可在有愛與關懷的社會中成長。”
曹格最近推出個人創作新專輯Supermarket,概念來自超級市場,他說:“超市有很多東 西賣,就如音樂有很多類型,曹格不屬於單一類型,我喜歡Jazz,也可以很Rock,更能夠好Pop,亦都非常R & B,所以我是無限界、無風格歌手,因為無論是什麼類型都好,只要感動到樂迷,就是好音樂。”
周傑倫、陶喆、王力宏與曹格被稱為台灣流行樂四大天王,如果曹格要以超市裏的物品來形容四人, 他會如何選擇?曹格說:“周傑倫是辣椒,他的人很直接,亦很真,我最佩服就是他的敢言,好像他提出唱片銷量數字有報大數之嫌,其實之前都有歌手說過,但都 沒有傳媒寫,不過周董提出就有迴響,這就是他的威力。而且周董的音樂有火又敢創新,這隻辣椒好辣!”
曹格形容陶喆是咖啡,很神秘,“咖啡是給大家喝的,他的音樂也是給大家享受,我很喜歡喝咖啡, 所以也喜歡他的創作。”曹格表示超市裏的保養品最能代表王力宏:“帥帥的,形象健康,就連音樂都很健康!”至於自己呢?曹格笑說:“我是鹽!鹹鹹濕濕啦! 烹飪一定要加鹽,意思是只要你聽音樂,就一定想到我啦!我的音樂可以治療情傷,你有痛的話,不妨一聽這包良方呀!”(香港明報)




吃 了晚餐回家,一家大小玩累了,個個都癱瘓在沙發上不想動。忽然間,我從沙發上跳了起來,慘叫一聲,我發覺我的婚戒不知在什麼時候掉了,望著那空空的手指, 我驚慌失措站在原地,不聽話的眼淚立刻掉了下來。外子見我這副失魂落魄的模樣,急忙幫我裡裡外外翻找,滿頭大汗的他懷疑我的戒指是在泳池掉的。遊泳池這麼 大,人這麼多,戒指這麼小,要找回的機會非常渺茫。那晚的我翻來覆去睡不著,心里只想著那跟了我十幾年的結婚戒指,心情糟透了。


sem 2, 2090/2010 omos finish lo...

now is oledi 15 of october. One more week, all the assignment and first part of pta will due. Next coming up is the final exam. The time pas so fast. Feel wan the time to stop and i have enough time to finish my assignment and pta. Every thing pas so fast. So compete wif time, if able to finish things b4 the due date, i'll win...haha...i will  do my best to finish it ASAP....^_^

Saturday, October 10, 2009


friendship is not just the name of an ordinary feeling.
but it is the name of the feelings of understanding,
honesty and frankness between two persons.
and these feelings keep the two very special persons bounded together
and such a friendship lies in two of us.

Friendships come and Friendships go by Samantha Sumler

Friendships come and Friendships go Like wave upon the sand

Like day and night

Like birds in flight

Like snowflakes when they land

But you and I are something else

Our friendship's here to stay

Like weeds and rocks and dirty socks

It never goes away!

Friend by Renee donna Bufete

A friend is a person

to laugh and cry with,

An inspiration,

Someone who lends a helping hand,

though friends may not be forever,

And they may not end up together,

the memories of a true friendship will

last forever.

A friend is not a shadow nor a servant

But someone who hold

a piece of a person in his heart.

Someone who shares a smile,

Someone who brightens up your day

What makes a person a friend?

Is by saying your Love will stay.

A BEST FRIEND by Renee Duvall

A best friend
is always there,

whether you need advice,

or a pep talk,

or even a shoulder to cry on.

A best friend

listens with her heart

and is always honest with you,

even though the truth

may not be

what you want to hear.

A best friend

knows all your secrets,

understands your fears

shares your dreams.

A best friend

never stops believing in you

even if you give up

on yourself.

you are

that kind of friend

to me.

And no matter what happens,

you always will be.

You are my best friend....

my forever friend.

A Friend is a Treasure by Renee Duvall

A Friend is a Treasure A friend is someone we turn to,

when our spirits need a lift.

A friend is someone we treasure,

for our friendship is a gift.

A friend is someone who fills our lives,

with beauty, joy and grace.

And make the world we live in,

a better and happier place

Laptop problem

Today i attend replacement class for tutorial. I use the computer here to log in my blog account. Suprisingly i can open it n add text at the text column. It didnt disappear after i type in the text. Seems like my laptop have been attack by virus. Only blogspot account would b like tat when i using my laptop. Haiz..Seems like personal antivirus is not strong enough to protect the laptop. This is the 1s time i try the Kxxx personal antivirus, its oledi a few month. Since  i using it, my wireless connection face problem in connecting tat attack by virus. Now is on the web browser problem. For the laptop tat always online need for internet security antivirus is more secure. Although is quite a bit noisy on alert or warning on the software tat suspect is unsafety but it seems can protect my laptop safety. So after tis duration of personal antivirus end, i'll will loyal with Kxxx Internet Security antivirus, coz its quality n protect my laptop from attack by the virus, especially i owas using it for online. Kxx Internet Security Antivirus is the BEST!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

charity group....

in an charity group like christian youth group, buddhist youth group, we take the ajk post is as voluntary.During our secondary sch time,we hav many free time. We would be able to involve n contribute in the activity..but wen in the university life, not all ppl wil hav the same pressure management.Some ppl will be manage to involve in many of the activities but not all ppl will manage to involve. Every person hav their own right to choose their own lifestyle n arrange the things tat they afford to do it. When a person r willing to take time n contribute to help, plz, we do tat not wif the aim want u guys appreciate wat we hav done. But we do it bcoz we willing to help the group n hav the time. When a person reject ur invitation to involve or contribute, don think the person fel proud n sombong wen receive the invitation. When a person reject, there mus hav their own reason tat unavailable to involve. Respect ppl. The slogan of giving ppl convinience, giving ppl happiness, plz don 4gt. Don jz prejudice once they reject to involve. Tat would lead them wont willing to involve in the futher activities. A environment is important. When an environment make a ppl not feeling comfortable n happy, they may not going bac to tat environment again. If the environment is frenly, nice, there mus b hav many ppl will willing to go bac. Try to view ppl's stand, den u will understand the decision they make.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Moon cake festival

saturday is moon cake festival. I gathering for a dinner wif uncle tan family. I like the family gathering feeling..hw long i hav nt been gather wif my family? It was such a wonderful nite. They r so frenly n nice. After the dinner, i go 2 traffic garden meet up frens for tang lung hanging n go around there...nowsaday, the youngs hav change more prefer hanging tang lung location at garden rather than home. They gather wif fren n hanging together. The most crowd garden tis year is 'taman sahabat'. Even though the car hav to park very far..the ppl stil keep go at there to hang tang lung wif frens or family. Every i only hav the chance of viewing the crowd in car passing the garden. I fel so happy tis year hav the chance view the crowd in the garden. Tis oso my 1s time bersiar-siar wif taking tang lung around in my life time. If next year after moon cake festival dinner wif family, no place to go, go Taman Sahabat. U will feel the crowd at there..n the garden is so beautiful n colourful tat hav decorate wif many many different tang lung color n pattern...

Saturday, October 3, 2009


昨晚有着从未感受到的痛苦。当我正要入眠,睡意到一半时,突然莫名其妙的心很闷,pek cek,难受到不得了。头又好有点不舒服。哇。。。莫名其妙的难受加上头不舒服害得我感觉要死去一样。。这种感觉有点像我以前曾经热到肚子痛的不得了,不过这次比那次更更更加难受。当时,我不知所措,只好忍着难受的感觉,一直大口大口的呼吸。。这种折磨大概维持了半个小时。半小时后,心还是很闷,pek cek,但至少没那么的严重了。我继续安摸头部。我不知不觉得睡着了,不知我是如何入眠。今天一早醒来,好开心。那种难受就像做了场恶梦一样,终于过了.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Success or failure is refer to ourself. If we learn from time to time, and learn from everything neither positive or negative experience would be able to improve and motivate ourself. Everything is start from me. Wat a freedom day, today no clas, no discussion, no assignment n so on. I will use my time wisely n enjoy the day neither academic or entertainment. Tis is the starting point for 2day....